세상은 나의 생각보다 변화가 빠르다.

우리는 매일 새로운 상의 정보를 학습하고 노력하여야 시대의 필요한 사람이 된다.

all reflow 자세히보기

Stencil Printer 모음/1. 수동 프린터

Solder Printer Semi Automatic 600 / 1200mm LED Solder Printer 남아전자산업. 제공

allreflow 2013. 3. 14. 23:46




Vision 기능 포함 된 Semi auto Stencil Printer

프린터 영역은 600mm 와 1200mm 2 종류가 있다.


형광등 LED 와 같은 Big Size  PCB printer에 적합 하도록

개발된 Solder Paste Printer이다.


모든 기초적 제원은 그간 20년간 생산하여 온

BS-1400 장비을 기술을 토대로 만들어져

내구성 . 솔더 품질에서 좋은 평가을 받고 있다.








                                              SEMI-AUTOMATIC STENCIL PRINTER




























Huge print area capability
The huge print area capability allows printing up to 1200mm x 400mm. It accepts standard


SMT frame sizes from 350 x 350 mm to 1480 x 500 mm (for SP1200), or 350 x 350 mm to 736 x 736 mm (for SP600L)

Vertical Seperation of Stencil from PCB

4 corner ball screw system provides excellent seperation control of stencil for high
quality solder paste printing

Programable Speed Control for both squeegee movement and stencil
Dual Camera system for quick PCB alignment
Step 1
Place the PCB board on the slidable working table
Step 2
By pressing IN button, the working table will move toward inside automatically
Step 3
By pressing DOWN button, the stencil screen will move downward automatically
Step 4:
Step 4
By using magnifying camera, the operator can adjust the X, Y, Theta aligment easily and precisely
Step 5
By pressing START button, the squeegee will spread the solder paste steadily and automatically

Stencil frame size:

350 x 350mm to 1480 x 500mm

Printing Area: Max.1200mm x 400mm

Board size: Max.1250mm x 410mm

X- and Y-Axes range:
+/- 13 mm
Theta rotation: +/- 3.5°

Underside Clearance:
25 mm

Z-axis range: 0 - 35 mm

Registration Repeatability:
+/- 0.01 mm

Overall dimensions
(L x W x H):
1719mm x 1006mm x 851mm
Machine weight: 162kg
SP600 / SP600L

Stencil frame size:

350 x 350mm to 736 x 500mm

350 x 350mm to 736 x 736mm (SP600L)

Printing Area: Max.600mm x 400mm (SP600)
Max.600mm x 600mm (SP600L)

Board size: Max.650mm x 410mm (SP600)
Max.650mm x 650mm (SP600L)

X- and Y-Axes range:
+/- 13 mm
Theta rotation: +/- 3.5°

Underside Clearance:
25 mm

Z-axis range: 0 - 35 mm

Registration Repeatability:
+/- 0.01 mm

Overall dimensions
(L x W x H):
1064mm x 1006mm x 851mm (SP600)
    1100mm x 1100mm x 851mm (SP600L)

Machine weight: 108kg (SP600)
135kg (SP600L)
    * We reserve the right to make changes without notice.








MODEL: SP600 / SP600L


Huge print area capability
The huge print area capability allows printing up to 1200mm x 400mm. It accepts standard SMT frame sizes from 350 x 350 mm to 1480 x 500 mm (for SP1200), or 350 x 350 mm to 736 x 736 mm (for SP600L)

Vertical Seperation of Stencil from PCB

4 corner ball screw system provides excellent seperation control of stencil for high
quality solder paste printing

Programable Speed Control for both squeegee movement and stencil
Dual Camera system for quick PCB alignment
Step 1
Place the PCB board on the slidable working table
Step 2
By pressing IN button, the working table will move toward inside automatically
Step 3
By pressing DOWN button, the stencil screen will move downward automatically
Step 4:
Step 4
By using magnifying camera, the operator can adjust the X, Y, Theta aligment easily and precisely
Step 5
By pressing START button, the squeegee will spread the solder paste steadily and automatically

Stencil frame size:

350 x 350mm to 1480 x 500mm

Printing Area: Max.1200mm x 400mm

Board size: Max.1250mm x 410mm

X- and Y-Axes range:
+/- 13 mm
Theta rotation: +/- 3.5°

Underside Clearance:
25 mm

Z-axis range: 0 - 35 mm

Registration Repeatability:
+/- 0.01 mm

Overall dimensions
(L x W x H):
1719mm x 1006mm x 851mm
Machine weight: 162kg
SP600 / SP600L

Stencil frame size:

350 x 350mm to 736 x 500mm

350 x 350mm to 736 x 736mm (SP600L)

Printing Area: Max.600mm x 400mm (SP600)
Max.600mm x 600mm (SP600L)

Board size: Max.650mm x 410mm (SP600)
Max.650mm x 650mm (SP600L)

X- and Y-Axes range:
+/- 13 mm
Theta rotation: +/- 3.5°

Underside Clearance:
25 mm

Z-axis range: 0 - 35 mm

Registration Repeatability:
+/- 0.01 mm

Overall dimensions
(L x W x H):
1064mm x 1006mm x 851mm (SP600)
    1100mm x 1100mm x 851mm (SP600L)

Machine weight: 108kg (SP600)
135kg (SP600L)
    * We reserve the right to make changes without notice.