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all reflow 자세히보기

Stencil Printer 모음/2. 반자동 프린터

반 자동 Solder Printer / Semi Auto Stencil Printer

allreflow 2011. 11. 20. 23:51




UNIPRINT GO3 is a third generation of table-top exact printing system with camera alignment system and automatic snap-off

  • Motorized squeegee with spring- adjustable print pressure.
  • Exactly vertical separation with very fine adjustable snap-off speed.
  • Easy and exact re-setting of table vertical position enables a fast change-over for different PCB thicknesses.
  • PCB supporting bars can be easily adjusted upon to PCB thickness. Thus an exact level of PCB and squeegee supporting area along the print stroke can be secured. This helps to prolong the stencil lifetime.
  • Machine is capable to print small chip structures, BGA, CSP and other similar fine structures.
  • A pneumatic servo-system of upper frame balancing helps to open/close upper frame with only minimally force. It is not sensitive to stencil tensioning weight. one can operate with upper frame with only push by finger!














 반 자동 솔더 프린터

다양한  선택 사양이 있다.